
Uncensored Commentary on Anything & Everything.

New England Literally Runs on Dunkin


Have you ever been to any part of New England? Well if you have, you would 100% know that any exit off god damn I-95, the towns are littered with Dunkin’ Donuts. They weren’t fucking lying, I’ll tell you that much. At least this section of America does in fact run on Dunkin’. You’d think like they altered the way cars run up here. If you just put donuts, coffee, 3 creamers, 15 sugars, and a box of munchkins in your gas tank, your car will run just fine. Just mash it all in there. Holy shit. Instead of gas stations everywhere, there is Dunkin’ Donuts.  And the worst part about it is the chicks are blazing hot in New England and I rarely see overly fat people like I see down South. I just don’t get it? What the hell is happening up here. Am i missing something? Did I not get the memo?

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